Collins earned her Bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Mississippi where she served as the President of the Student Alumni Council, President of Student Spirit Committee, an Officer for the Kappa Delta Sorority and an Ole Miss Varsity Cheerleader. Collins is currently on the Board of the The Making it Happen Foundation, dedicated to changing children’s lives through hope, love, and opportunity. She also contributed to the New York Times best-seller In a Heartbeat: Sharing the Power of Cheerful Giving.
Collins is Co-Owner and the Director of Marketing and Sales at Whimsy Cookie Company in Memphis, TN. Whimsy specializes in custom order decorative sugar cookies and is sold in their store in Memphis as well as several others across the country.
The Tuohy family’s life, as chronicled in Michael Lewis’ New York Times number one best-seller The Blind Side, went on to become a record-breaking Hollywood blockbuster that earned more than $300 million at the box office and became the number-one opening weekend for a sports film in history.
In April of 2016 Collins married her best friend. Collins and Cannon live in Memphis TN where they are active in their community. They are building a home and beginning the adventure of life together!