There are many “Cant Miss” sales, but the NSale is at the top of my list. The thrill of getting the item on sale before the season instead of after is the absolute best. Like any sale though, there are items that are insanely great deals, and those that should definitely be passed. With so much to choose from I have tried to narrow down the items that are my favorites (like my sweater above), as well as those I have purchased myself below! A few things to keep in mind. ...
My amazing sister-in-law Molly is getting married, and so we all loaded up and headed out to Napa. She looked at tons of locals along the west coast for her big wedding weekend. When she landed on Napa I let out a huge YES!
Napa is one of those places you only think exist on post cards, and travel commercials. TBH it’s that actually that pretty in person. The mountains and kitchy hotel properties, mixed with McMansions nestled in the middle of rolling vineyards (anyone seen the ...
We are a week away from one of my favorite holidays, and I’m pulling out all of my stars and stripes! The 4th of July to some may be a simple holiday that comes and goes; only marking the midway point in the summer, but for me it’s BIG! Not only is it SJ’s birthday (we convinced him until he was 10 the fireworks were for him), it’s the day we should stop and truly celebrate how blessed we are to be American.
This year we will be having a little party at ...
Sometimes simply saying “Thank you for your service” doesn’t seem enough to those who have served, and fought for our country. Having a grandfather, and a father-in-law who both served in the arm forces, and fought for our country, I can really see what a sacrifice it was. We are lucky enough that both returned home, but many of their friends did not. To think about losing a loved one during service, is sometimes hard to process. Their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of their friends ...